
Welcome to the Department of English Studies!



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Guest Lecture Dr. Ivan Stacy: 

From Bottom to Trump: Carnivalesque Degradation and Political Resistance

June 25, 2024 | 4 - 6 pm
Building C | Room C…


PD Dr. Sören Stumpf (LMU München)

Von geflügelten Worten zu teilschematischen Mustern: Lexikogrammatik im Wandel

12.06.2024 | 16:15 - 18:15

Room A…


Dr. Milena Belosevic (Bielefeld University) & Prof. Dr. Sabine Arndt-Lappe (Trier University)

ThoMats meets Dramione — Proper names make a difference…


Der Fachschaftsrat bietet dieses Semester wieder regelmäßig Stammtische im Astarix (diesmal in neuer Location) an, bei denen Studierende sich…


Veranstaltungsnr. 12251247: LIT 801 Special Topic in Literary Studies / ELM 402 Special Topic in English Literatures and Media Studies

LIT 801 / ELM…


Veranstaltungsnr. 12251206: LIT 401 Special Topic in Literary Studies:

LIT 401 Canadian Literature - Themes and Identities (Dozentin: Carla Göbel, 3.…


Informationen zu den Lehrveranstaltungen des Zertifikats für Kanada-Studien im Sommersemester 2024


weitere Infos auf der Website des ZKS


Literary Studies Colloquium

We invite Early Career Researchers across literary studies to join our

colloquium where we present and discuss our…

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The Department of English Studies has four main sections: Language, Literature, Linguistics and Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language (TEFL). All four sections are essential to the department, and all have their own staff. Students doing English Studies as a main subject (major, Hauptfach) take courses in all areas except TEFL. Students doing a subsidiary subject (minor, Nebenfach) take courses in language and literature or language and linguistics.

All sections of the Department emphasize the interaction of language and culture and all teach both British and American studies.

Language courses are all taught by expert speakers who have first-hand experience of life in an English-speaking country: they have mainly spent long periods of time living, working and/or studying in the Britain and America, but also, where possible, from other parts of the English-speaking world.

Literature courses cover a broad range of literatures in English - from Britain and North America through to the literatures of postcolonial nations and anglophone diaspora communities. British and American film, television and new media also form an additional important focus. The Centre for Canadian Studies and the Trier Center for American Studies (TCAS) allow students to specialise in north American literature and culture, and to obtain an additional certificate in Canadian Studies.

Linguistics courses give special emphasis to applied linguistics. Staff have expertise in varieties of English as a world language, language teaching, sociolinguistics and computer-assisted corpus analysis. The Department has always had a strong interest and expertise in the history of English and medieval studies.

TEFL courses focus on both theoretical and practical aspects relevant for future teachers of English.

Although the number of students has rapidly increased in the last few years, the staff attempt to avoid the anonymity which students complain of at other universities. Staff  know many of their students by name and try to deal with students on an individual basis.

Study abroad. The department has partnerships with universities in other countries, where students can study under different agreements. These include universities in Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Canada and Australia (and also Greece, Hungary and Turkey). For initial information, go to the web pages of the International Office.